Integrity policy
Shopping4net´s integrity policy
Shopping4net work strictly under GDPR (General data protection regulation). According to this law we must ask of your permission so that we can deal with and save data about you in our computer database. By buying at Shopping4net you are giving permission to be put in our database. All personal data including your personal number that you give to us or that we take part of when you sign up for purchase or visit our home page will be dealt with by Shopping4net in quality responsible for personal data
We protect and respect your integrity and guarantee that all personal information that you send in order to purchase from us will be treated with utmost secrecy. The information will be used in purpose to be able to fulfil our commitments against you as a customer, carry out credit control and for marketing purpose. You are entitled to request and take part of the personal data that is registered about you. If they are incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant you are entitled to request that the data should be corrected or erased