Aristocrat Nail Clipper Set Aristocrat Stainless steel nail clipper
Aristocrat Precision Grooming Scissors Aristocrat Precision scissors in stainless steel.
BaByliss 794683 Nailclipper For Men BaByliss Durable nail clipper from BaByliss
BaByliss for Men 798761 Nail Scissors BaByliss Stainless steel nail scissors for men from BaByliss
BaByliss Men 794986 Manicure Set BaByliss The manicure set for men from BaByliss
Extra Effective Creme Antiperspirant Hands Feet Bats Alcohol-free deodorant cream against armpit, foot, and hand sweat from Bats
Camferine - Hand & Foot Cream Camferine Effective hand and foot cream
Camferine Liniment Camferine Effektiv hand- och fotkräm
Nivea Men Creme - Face Body Hands Nivea Moisturiser for all skin types, suitable for face, body, and hands.